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Activities & Student Clubs

We believe that extra-curricular activities play an essential role in the education and development of our students. 

Learning does not only take place within the four walls of a classroom. Extracurruclar activities provide opportunities for students to explore their interests, develop their skills, and build meaningful connection with their peers.

A young boy in a school uniform plays a game of chess in a library setting.

High School/ Junior High

Academic Adventures Club 
Blair County Youth Leadership
Classic Movie Club
Competitive Programming Team 

Dance Team
Debate Team 
Diversity Club 
Drama Club
Eco Club 

FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) 
Local History Club
Interact (Rotary) 
Model UN
Mission Club
National Honor Society 
National Junior Honor Society
Peer Ministry 
Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science (PJAS) 
Prom Planning Committee 
Scholastic Quiz Team 
Ski Club 
Spanish Club 
Student Ambassadors
Student Council 
Tolkien Society
Travel Program 
Voice for Life Club 

Elementary School Clubs and Teams

Elementary School 

Biddy Basketball



Dance Team

Drama Club

Flag Football (CBRC)



Instrumental Music

Mission / Service Club

Multi-media Club

Reading Competition

Soccer (CBRC)

Spelling Bee

Student Council

Student Led Liturgies

Volleyball (CBRC)

A young girl in a grey shirt with the words 'Holy Trinity Guardians Athletics' holds a volleyball.

Learning New Skills, Diving Deep into Interests, Finding New Passions!